loyalty card

Buy nine get the tenth one free; we all love that feeling of something for nothing. The humble loyalty card has gone digital. That means you can track if the promotion is working for you, and identify your most loyal customers.


How it works

Customer makes a purchase, retailer presents a loyalty code, scanning the code adds a sticker to the card, customer completes the card and redeems the reward or enters the draw to win. Redeeming the reward updates the customer stats and resets the card.



Codes on product, packs, or on social unlock stickers that build to fill the album and earn rewards.

Codes are the basis of your promotion. The fundamental rule is “Play for free, use promotional codes to go faster”.

A ‘play for free’ element keeps it fun while you drive the promotion.



The user interface is available in 21 languages: English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Catalan, Basque, SA Spanish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian, Greek, Turkish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Polish, Russian, and Chinese.



Fantom integrates with Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

The sticker book sits on the client’s website and Facebook page.

Collectors can post and tweet while collecting, and earn coins for taking social actions.

Contact us

Do you think a digital loyalty card would work in your business? Get in touch.