Sticker Books
Use digital sticker books to engage and entertain, and to deliver increased loyalty and frequency of purchase. Build a marketing database and gain insights from data analytics.
Multilingual, GDPR compliant and child safe, Fantom embeds on websites and Facebook and integrates with social media platforms.
How it works
Collectors use promotional codes and in-game play to complete a sticker book. Packs of digital stickers are unlocked using promo codes and in-game play.
Certain stickers are for promotional purposes only, others are open play and used to trade with others.
As the promotion progresses collectors earn achievements for completing sets and rewards for taking social actions. Liking a Facebook page, watching a YouTube video, and joining a mailing list, can all be set up to deliver rewards.
In store, retailers can run marketing events like sticker chases, time-limited events, during which collectors hunt the store looking for point of sale marketing with codes that unlock sticker book collectibles on their mobile phones.
Fully integrated with Facebook and Twitter. Using a Javascript snippet, a Fantom promotion can be embedded into third party websites.
promo Codes
Codes on product, packs, or on social unlock stickers that build to fill the album and earn rewards.
Codes are the basis of your promotion. The fundamental rule is “Play for free, use promotional codes to go faster”.
A ‘play for free’ element keeps it fun while you drive the promotion.
The user interface is available in 21 languages: English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Catalan, Basque, SA Spanish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian, Greek, Turkish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Polish, Russian, and Chinese.
Fantom integrates with Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.
The sticker book sits on the client’s website and Facebook page.
Collectors can post and tweet while collecting, and earn coins for taking social actions.
Contact us
Let’s talk about how a digital sticker book can engage your audience.