under the hood
While customers and fans collect, underneath the Fantom digital marketing engine tracks everything. Behaviours, demographics, and engagement are tracked using the Piwik and Google analytics tools. Tens of millions of client branded emails are exchanged between fans seeking trades. And deep integration with social platforms drives the marketing conversation.
Our data analytics engine delivers key promotion insights into shopper/fan behaviour, demographics, and brand engagement.
Identify which stores are performing, how consumers are reacting to the promotion, and what digital marketing works.
E-mail marketing
Every player leaves an email address and agrees to receive in-promotion emails.
Collecting generates email marketing opportunities in the millions of mails.
At an average 20% open rate, Fantom out-performs all other retail email marketing options.
content management
Fantom can be used by any skilled graphic designer; no programming skills are needed.
The Content Management System is simple to use. Text, graphics and animations are easily added and configured. Features can be switched on/off with ease.
The Fantom Success Engine
‘Fantom’s Success Engine’ drives consumer engagement, repeat purchase and accelerated frequency of purchase, for Agencies, Retailers and FMCGs. The combination of the powerful collecting motivation with digital marketing, email marketing, and analytics creates a success engine.
Let’s get technical
Fantom is a massively scalable platform for the creation and hosting of digital collecting products. The platform is built as an integrated content management and hosting system, usable by a graphic designer with no programming skills needed. Trading cards and sticker books are easily created from graphical assets.
Fantom is playable on both mobile and desktop, and as its interface is HTML5, it is platform agnostic. On mobile it can download an icon onto the desktop; it can also be wrapped for the AppStore and Google Play. The product is presented as a flip-book on desktop browsers, and in a scrollable format on mobile. Fantom collecting games can be run from their own URL, embedded on Facebook pages, or launched from within a brand’s own website.
Client side the product is written in HTML5 and JavaScript; the database is mySQL and the code is PHP and JQUERY using a Model View Controller (MVC) framework.
Contact us
If you want to learn more about the Fantom platform, get in touch.